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BREATHING PRACTICES for pregnant women


Sectional Breathing:
Clavicular breathing:
• Sit in comfortable pose and perform thoracic breathing for a few minutes.
• Inhale fully, and expand the rib cage.
• When the ribs are fully expanded, inhale a little more until expansion is felt in the upper portion of the lungs around the base of the neck.
• The shoulders and collar bone should also move up slightly. This will take some effort.
• Exhale slowly, first releasing the lower neck and upper chest, then relax the rest of the rib cage back to its starting position.
• Continue for a few more breaths, observing the effect of this type of breathing. 

Thoracic breathing
• Sit in comfortable pose and maintain unbroken awareness of the natural breath for
some time, concentrating on the sides of the chest.
• Discontinue any further use of the diaphragm and begin to inhale by slowly
expanding the rib cage.
• Feel the movement of the individual ribs outward and upward, and be aware of this expansion drawing air into the lungs. Expand the chest as much as possible.
• Exhale by relaxing the chest muscles.
• Feel the rib cage contracting and forcing the air out of the lungs.
• Breathe slowly and deeply through the chest with total awareness.
• Do not use the diaphragm.
• Continue thoracic breathing for a few minutes, pausing slightly after each inhalation and exhalation.

Abdominal (or diaphragmatic) breathing
• Sit in comfortable pose and observe the spontaneous breath without controlling it in any way. Let it be absolutely natural.
• Continue observing the natural breath for some time.
• Place the hands on the abdomen just above the navel.
• The hands will move up with inhalation and down with exhalation.
• There should be no tension in the abdomen. Do not try to force the movement in any way.
• Try not to expand the chest or move the shoulders.
• Feel the abdomen expanding and contracting. Continue breathing slowly and deeply.
