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Best asana (yoga postures) for kids for healthy mind

 Asanas (Postures)

1. Tadasana (Palm Tree posture)

1. Stand straight with the feet few a inches apart.
2. Inhale and raise your arms up to the shoulder level.
3. Interlock your fingers and turn the wrists outwards.
4. Inhale, bring your arms up.
5. Raise the heels and balance on the toes as per capability with normal breathing.
6. With exhalation come back to the initial position.
7. Strengthens ankles, calves, inner thighs ann back. Stretches the shoulders. 
8. It helps to increase height in kids.

2. Vrikshasana (Tree posture)

1. Stand straight.
2. Bend the right leg and place the right foot on the inner side of the left thigh.
3. Inhale, bring the arms up and join the palms together.
4. Exhale, bring the arms and right foot down.
5. Now repeat the same practice with the other leg.
6. Develops balance and concentration, and tones the leg muscles.

3. Ashvasanchalan (Horse riding posture)

1. Bend forward and place both hands by side of both feet.
2. Stretch the right leg back as much as possible.
3. Bring the right knee on the floor.
4. Bend the left leg at the knee.
5. Inhale raise the head backward with the back arched and gaze in between the eyebrows.
6. This strengthens the lower body
7. It help to stretch the groin and hip region.
8. Lengthens the spine, thereby stretching the chest.

4. Parvatasana (Mountain posture)

1. Bend forward and place both hands by side of both feet.
2. Exhale; stretch the front leg to back.
3. Balance whole body on both hands and toes.
4. Buttocks should be pushed upward like mountain pose.
5. Strengthens the lower body
6. It help to stretch the groin and hip region.
7. Strengthens and relieves stiffness in shoulders.

5. Trikonasana (Triangle posture)

1. Stand and open your legs a few feet apart
2. Inhale; raise both your arms up to shoulder level.
3. Turn your right foot towards right side
4. Exhale, bend to the right side
5. Turn your head and gaze at your middle finger.
6. Inhale and slowly come back
7. Bring your right foot back to the normal position.
8. Repeat the same practice with other side.

6. Marjariasana (Cat posture)

1. Kneel on the floor and lean forward putting both your palms on the floor pointing forward.
2. The legs can be slightly apart and palms should be at shoulder length.
3. Let your trunk be parallel to the ground, the thighs should be straight. The lower leg and feet should be on the floor.
4. Now exhale completely. Move your head inwards between your shoulders. While doing this your back will bend and arch upwards.
5. Now inhale and arch your back in the opposite direction. The spine will bend slightly downwards. The head, neck and shoulders should be arched backwards, as if you are looking up.
6. It helps to get rid stiffness from the back.
7. It strengthens the abdominal organs.

7. Ushtrasana (Camel posture)

1. Kneel down and stand on your knees.
2. Inhale; bend backward and hold your heels with their respective palms.
3. This is the final position and maintain this with normal breathing.
4. Ustrasana stretches out muscles around neck, chest and abdomen region.
5. It strengthens up back muscles, gluteal muscles and triceps of the arms.

8. Shashakasana (Rabbit posture)

1. Sit in kneeling posture.
2. Spread both the knees wide apart, keep the big toes touching.
3. Keep the palms between the knees.
4. Exhale and slowly stretch them to full length.
5. Bend forward and place the chin on the ground.
6. Keep the arms parallel.
7. Look in front and maintain the posture with normal breathing.
8. It is a good resting pose. Good for the lower back.
9. It helps in regulating adrenal glands.
10. It improves concentration and memory.
11. It helps reduce emotional instability and anger.

9. Madukasana (Frog posture)

1. Sit in the pose of Vajrasana.
2. Make a fist of both palms.
3. Now place both fists on your naval area.
4. Now take a deep breath and while exhaling bend forward.
5. Keep your elbows parallel.
6. Inhale; raise your head and shoulder up.
7. Look at in between eyebrow.
8. Hold this pose as much as you can and continue breathing normally.
9. It relieves constipation.
10. It reduces stress

10. Vakrasana (Twisting posture)

1. Sit erect with the legs stretch forward in dandasana.
2. Bend the right leg and place near the left knee.
3. Exhale, twist the body towards the right and bring the left hand palm near the right foot.
4. Place the right hand behind the back on the ground.
5. Turn the head towards right side and maintain the final position with normal breathing.
6. Do the same practice with other side.
7. It tones spinal nerves.
8. It strengthens back muscles and reduces back ache.
9. It helps to relieve constipation and remove toxins.

11. Gomukhasana (Cow face posture)

1. Sit erect with the legs stretch forward.
2. Bend one leg above the other and place one knee above the knee.
3. Interlock the hands on the back and maintain the position with normal breathing.
4. It improves the lung capacity and is very beneficial for respiratory system.
5. It increases the flexibility of arms and shoulder muscles

12. Kagasana (Crow posture)

1. Stand straight with the feet few inches apart.
2. Exhale; bend the knees and come in squatting position.
3. Place your hands on respective knee.
4. It strengthens the pelvic joint and knee joint.

13. Simhasana (Roaring Lion posture)

1. Sit in Vajrasana. 
2. Spread your knees wide apart.
3. Now inhale and take out your tongue. Try to look between in the eyebrows and exhale.
4. During exhaling roar like a lion.
5. It is best exercise for face, eyes, tongue and throat muscles.
6. It helps to improve the vocal chords.
7. It opens the respiratory tract properly.

14. Makrasana (Crocodile posture)

1. Lay down on abdomen.
2. Spread your legs and heels facing towards each other.
3. Bend both the arms and place the right hand on the left.
4. Place the face on your hands.
5. Keep the eyes closed. This is Makarāsana.
6. Indicated to counter stress and anxiety.
7. Promotes relaxation of the lower back.

15. Saral bhujanasana (Cobra posture)

1. Lie down on your abdomen.
2. Now join your legs and stretch your arms.
3. Keep the forehead on the ground.
4. Now place your hands just beside the body; keep palms and elbows on the ground.
5. As you inhale slowly, lift the chin and chest come up to navel region. Stay there comfortably with normal breathing.
6. This is called Sarala Bhujangāsana.
7. This āsana is best for stress management.
8. It helps to remove backache and bronchial problems.

16. Dhanurasana (Bow posture)

1. Lie down on your abdomen.
2. Fold your knees and hold ankles with the respective hands.
3. Inhale; raise your whole body on the abdomen (navel centre).
4. It stretches the spine and keeps it flexible.
5. It improves the functioning of Vital Organs.
6. It is very useful for overcoming lethargy.

17. Balasana (Child posture)

1. Lie down on your abdomen.
2. Bend your one leg and hand, relax the whole body.
3. It helps to reduce stress and anxiety.

18. Setubandhasana (Bridge posture)

1. Lie down on your back.
2. Bend knees and bring feet toward buttocks.
3. While holding both the ankles firmly keep the knees and feet in one straight line.
4. Inhale; slowly raise your buttocks and trunk up as much as you can to form a bridge.
5. Not all children will be able to hold ankle. They can keep their palm on the base for support.
6. Opens the chest and upper back.
7. It relieves depression and anxiety and strengthens lower back muscles.
8. It stretches abdominal organs, improves digestion and helps to relieve constipation.

19. Saral matyasana (Fish posture)

1. Lie down on the back. Legs should be extended.
2. Lift the upper back with support of elbows and palms and place the crown of your head on the ground.
3. Place the hands on your thighs.
4. This is final position and maintain this with normal breathing.
5. This asana is good for the abdominal organs.
6. It relieves stress and irritation.
7. It is good for bronchial disorders.

20. Shavasana (Star fish posture)

1. Lie down on your back with arms and legs comfortably apart.
2. Palms facing upward; eyes closed.
3. Relax the whole body consciously.
4. Become aware of natural breath and allow it to become rhythmic and slow.
5. It helps to relieve all kinds of tensions and gives rest to both body and mind.
6. Relaxes the whole psychophysiological system.
